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credit reviews中文是什么意思

用"credit reviews"造句"credit reviews"怎么读"credit reviews" in a sentence


  • 信贷审查


  • Credit review committee
  • The respective risk management divisions also ensure the credit worthiness of counterparties , custodians and external managers through regular credit reviews and with reference to ratings by internationally accepted independent rating agencies
  • With the two - year moratorium on access to credit data for the purpose of credit review coming to an end in june 2005 , the hkma will also monitor whether ais have made greater use of the consumer credit database in assessing the creditworthiness of their customers
  • The internal control system under the preceding paragraph shall set out " know your customer " assessment and credit review procedures , operating procedures for the conduct of securities lending , division of authority and responsibilities , control of lending amounts , customer accounts management , as well as relevant risk management mechanisms
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